About Us

Personalized Approach
McGhee & Co. is led by Master Thatcher Colin McGhee. At the age of 25, he became the youngest thatcher ever to win the Master Thatcher's Cup. Since moving his award-winning business to America in 1991, he and his crew have been in great demand, traveling across the country to thatch everything from private residences to buildings at zoos and theme parks.
Colin and his crew of highly skilled artisans craft each roof by hand using only the finest materials. The work is not farmed out to contractors, so you can be assured that each roof is a unique piece of art - the result of traditional, time-tested materials and methods.

Excellence and Professionalism
Various types of vegetation can be used as thatch. Reed and straw are two common choices, but in any case the material has to be gathered, dried, bundled, and secured to a framework on top of a building in thick, overlain layers.
A skilled, professional thatcher can create a visually appealing roof that is easy to repair, highly effective as an insulator, and resistant to rain, snow, wind, and vermin.

Insured and Guaranteed
McGhee & Co. roofs are guaranteed and are checked at least every two years at no charge. Thatching materials are provided and assistance with design and planning approval is available.